Me Jed Lloyd

Hi my name is Jed Lloyd. Welcome to my blog and thank you for coming to see. Here's some more about me. If you didn't already know I am an Artist and Creator who loves all things creative. I am generally an artistic person and have been since as far back as I can remember. Give me a pen and piece of paper and I will show you something cool after 5 minutes, something original of my own and not copied from anywhere at all. Ideas spur from my mind although I do think talking and meeting others can inspire you or spur thoughts on new ideas. That is what I love about meeting new people and other creative technical heads as we always get into mass conversation about cool and super new ideas. I used to think that sharing ideas was bad and it sometimes is as somebody could snap up one of your ideas in a flash and have it developed over night , 10 times better than what you had in mind and it actually works for them, so you do have to be careful sometimes. I do love to share my ideas with the right people , people who don't steal them and people who are willing to talk with you and help you to further create and develop the idea. Be sure you are in with the right crowd/company, get to know them before telling them about your ideas.

I kind of went on a rant there about ideas sorry, haha, but that's really one thing I do enjoy is creating and planning ideas/projects and so on. I don't know if that is weird , it may be some kind off addiction I have, maybe I am a re-incarnated Einstein or a lost soul from an old explorer or inventor, who knows what the truth may be !!!!

A quick tip for Bloggers. One thing I have learn't about blogging is people prefer to interact with people or a person as opposed to a brand or company. People just feel that bit more comfortable this way and really feel more natural to them. Another thing I have learn't about blogging say in the last two to three months is just Be Yourself!! There's nothing better than being yourself, nobody wants to interact with someone that is clearly sending out the wrong message or you have seen that they are acting in a way just to get your attention to try and sell you something. I used to spend alot of time making really sharp , professional type blogs with a sort of business feel as I was interested in giving blogging and marketing tips, advice etc. I did quite enjoy this as I got to learn more about using blogger and blog tools and how to set up a clean looking page. I am more of a creative person , but I also enjoy a lot of technical and business type subjects and I love to meet people who are talented, creative and also others who have there own companies and business ideas. Let me know if your one of these technical creatives who loves talking :-)

So there you go , that's some more about me untill next time, I hoped you enjoyed reading more about me. If you want to follow me and my blog and more about my story or stories then add me to google plus , bookmark my blog, plus 1 me, Twitter me, Follow my facebook soon when I got it more set up and also remember to leave a comment and let the world know who you are. Peace friends. Jed


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