Google Plus - How to share posts on Google Plus

Hi, here's some information on how to share posts, pictures and other things on Google Plus. I know you most likely know how to do this already so this is for anyone who doesn't know or is unsure. You may actually find out something new if you didn't already know.

Sharing a post

There is a few ways you can share a post on Google Plus. Here's how to do it :

1. The first way you can share a post is from the main screen you see on G+. You see that box that says "Share whats new.."? Go ahead and write something there and you will be on your way to doing a great post.

Notice the 5 options you have , Text , Photos so you can add pictures, Link so you can share website/blogs or other links you wish to share. You can also upload a video from your computer or via You tube link if you already have videos on You tube to share. I will talk more about the video option soon as I want to tell you some important things about it. Also there is a option to do hangouts on Google which is a Video Conference type of call which you can use to connect and meet with others. Great feature although I have not yet got involved in Hangouts. Maybe soon.

2. Another way you can share a post is by clicking the "Share" button in the top right hand corner of your screen.

Click the  + Share button to make a post! This is an easy way to share posts and is also accessible not just from the main Google Plus screen , this can also be viewed from your G-Mail email account screen also on other Google Pages such as You tube and Blogger. Also you can see the wonderful bell notification area !!! very shiny and always lighting up with amazing notifications from fabulous Googlers. I will tell you more about this feature soon also. Its still pretty new in my eyes till the next Google update.

Sharing Privately/Publicly

When it comes to submitting your post, be aware of who you have included to send the message/post out to. You can choose to post it publicly for all to see or just to specific people  or specific circles.
If you want to send a private post/message then un-tag all the circles such as +public, +extended circles and all the others remaining in that box and just add the one name of the person you would like to send the private post. Good luck guys, Happy Posting!

Hope this helps you out or gives you more knowledge of how to post and where you can make posts from. Next I will teach you how to write up a good post that will get you noticed more for what you do. I do not claim to be an expert but I am very determined and dedicated to what I do and would be happy to teach you anything that may help you out.


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